Wednesday, December 23, 2009

XX or XY? Oh, the hype!

Christmas is almost here, and the gift I'm most anticipating is in a small, white envelope. Bryan and I went to the doctor's last week for an ultrasound to see if we are going to welcome a little girl or a little boy into our home next spring. It was rather hard not to peek as the ultrasound technician waved the magic wand over my baby and weird alien images appeared on the screen. Sorry, baby--they really weren't weird alien images. There were some definite human looking feet and arms and other body parts, but the technician had been carefully informed beforehand that we didn't want to find out the gender of the baby quite yet, so she wouldn't let us look whenever she was going into potentially revealing territory. She gave us the non-revealing pics of the little 'un to show to our adoring family and fans, and she said that the baby was very cute. (Aww...I bet she says that to all the parents, but it made me feel good.) She also said that the baby was very active and cooperative and so she was able to tell very quickly the gender. She claimed that there was no doubt about it; she could tell with 100% accuracy. All incriminating pics were placed into the aforementioned sealed white envelope to await a joyful opening on Christmas morn.

Let me know if I'm getting too excited about such a trivial thing. I'm a little giddy.

I'm betting on a boy.


Shelby said...

I can't wait to find out!! So exciting!!

sNick said...

Doesn't sound very trivial to me. Woohoo!

Jill said...

What a fun thing to look forward to on Christmas morning! I can't believe you were able to wait.

Brian Glenn said...

what a cute idea Mandy! I'm betting on a girl... we Eynons seem to have a lot of those for some reason:)

Melissa + Brett said...

WHAT A CUTE IDEA!!! Can't wait to hear!

Keryn said...

Oooh, boy or girl? I'm thrilled that he/she is healthy!